Celebrating Single Mothers: A Tribute on Father's Day

Celebrating Single Mothers: A Tribute on Father's Day



Father's Day is traditionally a time to honor and appreciate the presence and influence of fathers in our lives. However, in our ever-evolving society, it's important to recognize that there are single mothers who fulfill both the role of a mother and a father. These extraordinary women exhibit immense strength, resilience, and unconditional love as they navigate the challenges of raising their children alone. On this Father's Day, let us extend our admiration and gratitude to single mothers worldwide, as Gatim launches a heartfelt tribute to their unwavering dedication.

Here's one such story that is bound to touch your heart:

Story of R. Das

“It is said that whenever one suffers a severe loss, God always has their back, bringing a spark of hope into their lives. After the untimely demise of my husband, when my life too had plunged into a chasm of darkness, I had two reasons to live: My mother, who had always been a ray of support, and my kid, who brought along the very brightness I needed in my dark, dull life!

Words cannot truly express how much my daughter means to me - her joy, her mischief, and her unconditional love keep boosting me with the energy to keep going even on my most tiring days. As a single mother, I may not have the time to give my 100%, but I try my very best to make her happy with small surprises, like planning a sudden trip to a park or perhaps to her favorite sea beach!

I still remember, after 2 years had passed, on the day that marked a great loss of my life, when I found her little hands feeding me during a ritual, my eyes swelled up with every emotion I had kept suppressed till long. I promise I won’t ever let her feel the absence of her father, and I’ll keep doing whatever I need to do to win!” - R. Das, Sales Executive.

This Father's Day, Gatim salutes the remarkable willpower and indomitable spirit of all single mothers like her, and wholeheartedly applauds their never-back-down attitude!

Salute to this HERO and we wish her the best for a beautiful life ahead of her and her daughter.